is now live

by phobos | July 29, 2009

By popular request, we've created It serves as an archive of all released versions of Tor since 2004. And as a repository of all relay descriptors and directory authority consensus files published since 2004.

This is the place to get current and past releases of:

  • the Tor source code,
  • Vidalia itself,
  • vidalia bundles for Microsoft Windows and Apple OS X,
  • our various rpm packages,
  • the Tor Browser Bundle and Tor IM Browser Bundle,
  • TorVM,
  • published consensus files,
  • published server descriptors,
  • and, other Tor network related files like extra-info and statuses.

The files are offered via, rsync (, and hidden service, http://7ofilo7lqgiub36u.onion.

The package archive is around 20GB. The directory authority archive is around 23GB. We'll soon be listing mirrors of this site as well.



Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

July 30, 2009


Hello, I downloaded the latest version of tor bundle but it seems it doesnt work like the way it used to. about 3 months ago, tor allowed me to use exitnodes so I could use tor in very useful way.. thanks.

but after I downloaded a new version of tor around this july, I can't get tor,torrc file worked for foxyproxy. coz when I added exitnodes in torrc file, vidila didn't work.

uhm.. I'm sorry I'm not so good at this technological process so I need your help.
Would you help me to get this tor working like the way it used to before?

many thanks.

August 01, 2009


Please Help
As you know in china the blocked Youtube i download tor-im-browser-1.2.6_zh-CN, now it is working very good but the video ca not be played and remain the same message
I downloaded and install the lst version of flashplayer and i set preference in Torbutton (uncheck the fist choise in security propreties (stop compnent while using Tor)
but the problem remain the same no video played
Please help

I can't view videos on YouTube and other Flash-based sites. Why?

YouTube and similar sites require third party browser plugins such as Flash. Plugins operate independently from Firefox and can perform activity on your computer that ruins your anonymity. This includes but is not limited to: completely disregarding proxy settings, querying your local IP address, and storing their own cookies. It is possible to use a LiveCD or VMWare-based solution such as Tor VM or Incognito that creates a secure, transparent proxy to protect you from proxy bypass, however issues with local IP address discovery and Flash cookies still remain.

If you are not concerned about being tracked by these sites (and sites that try to unmask you by pretending to be them), and are unconcerned about your local censors potentially noticing you visit them, you can enable plugins by going into the Torbutton Preferences->Security Settings->Dynamic Content tab and unchecking "Disable plugins during Tor usage" box. If you do this without Tor VM, Incognito or appropriate firewall rules, we strongly suggest you at least use NoScript to block plugins. You do not need to use the NoScript per-domain permissions if you check the Apply these restrictions to trusted sites too option under the NoScript Plugins preference tab. In fact, with this setting you can even have NoScript allow Javascript globally, but still block all plugins until you click on their placeholders in a page. We also recommend Better Privacy in this case to help you clear your Flash cookies.

December 16, 2009



Being censored is a very painful experience, not that I can't live without facebook or dailymotion or youtube.
But I want to be able to choose.
Tor gives me this possibility, for free, and for that I am thankful.
But at the same time it restricts me and it acts like censorship.

Yes I understand that Flash and Java are potentially leading to leak personnal informations that could serve the authorities to increase their FW.
But what's the point if I can't see a video when the main reason why I use Tor IS to access EASILY youtube? I don't wish to spend time configuring again, and again Firefox to be able to visualize a youtube video. It's supposed to be a relaxing time, not a "fixing problem time".

To me it appears exactly in the same way as the control chinese govt is trying to impose on me. Your reasons are different, the result is the same.
I can't see Youtube videos.

Youtube is ipso facto THE interface used everywhere for video references from facebook friends posting their preferences, to economical or scientific conferences. They are a monopoly already. I can question it. Meanwhile, I do the choice to use it

So please, wouldn't it possible to add simplicity to the process and let your user access youtube video without to feel punished?

Thank you for any answers and your attention.

December 18, 2009


Well I found a solution, very easy actually...

The fact that I didn't use Firefox before is a part of the problem.

Even though I followed the rules and unchecked the boxes in the Tor Add-on menu it still didn't work.
You'll have to start Firefox without Tor first, install the Flash player, restart Firefox and then only then, launch Tor with your Firefox session still open. The flash player being installed and recognized before, it's all fine and it will work.

Of course for most of the code lovers that are behind Tor, this is ridiculously simple, at the point that they don't really care to inquire or even think we poor things only used IE or some other Microsoft interface to surf before to be saved (just kidding, nothing serious)

I must say that some answers that provoke your deep admiration with all the code implied (see this ), just make me laugh out loud (now that I can acess youtube and others)
But I do acknowledge your deep concern for our freedom. So big and warm thank you [dear nerds]

Not being enough of a nerd, I cannot pretend to understand the coding implied in this fix, but I can tell you it doesn't seem to work for me. My main intent in using Tor at the moment is to watch videos that other countries have barred me from watching--I started using it in China, for obvious reasons, but now I just want to watch youku videos that are blocked in my region.

I've probably downloaded and installed flash a dozen times in the past half an hour, and when I try to do it with torbutton toggled on enabled it encounters an error and doesn't install correctly, and when I do it with torbutton toggled off there is no indication that I've done so once I toggle it on again.

I'm not concerned with my activities being monitored--anyone who wants to learn what they can from my video selection is welcome to infer what they will from my choice of Disney movies. I am interested in learning a little more about the underlying mechanics of tor and its accouterments, and would very much like to figure out how to use it to watch flash-based videos within the week.

I've tried unchecking the "disable plugins during tor usage" setting to no avail, and now I've tried this download flash-restart firefox-THEN open tor fix and still am Alice in Wonderlandless. Can't anyone help me, please?

January 21, 2010


When I try to download a video from a .onion site, I receive a warning that I am using an external application when I download, and that this may unmask me. What are my risks that someone may be able to watch what I am doing when I download from a .onion site while tor is enabled? My browser is firefox with the torbutton plugin.

September 10, 2011


Hello All,
I can't watch youtube videos when iam using Tor also this is a common problem to many people. thanks to help with the solution if it exists

September 10, 2011


for the problem of watching youtube videos, i tried the solution below but it didn't work:

"Preferences->Security Settings->Dynamic Content tab and unchecking "Disable plugins during Tor usage" box"

thanks to help with the solution

October 01, 2011


i cant wathch video ....please help

I downloaded and install the lst version of flashplayer and i set preference in Torbutton (uncheck the fist choise in security propreties (stop compnent while using Tor)
but the problem remain the same no video played
Please help

October 27, 2011


others and I did the process :

"Preferences->Security Settings->Dynamic Content tab and unchecking ...
but still we have problem.

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help us .

Hey bud , I was wondering if you were still having that video problem ?
If so , you got to un-check all those boxes like you said you did already but then you need to copy over a couple files to your flash player folder ,
Copy the two files flashplayer.xpt and NPSWF32.dll.
If you are not sure where they are , search your c: drive for them (easiest way !!)

paste them in these locations Tor Browser\FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\plugins and Tor Browser\FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins.

the firefox portable browser. left click on “Tor Enabled”->Preferences in the security setting uncheck the following.

Hope that helps you !!

November 14, 2011


Tor is stupid crap. It no do my flashy and javascypties, whinge, whinge whinge. It is too much for us poor twits. I wnat you plz make very simple for Simon.

February 19, 2012


2012 and still no fix for flash? Why? Because its free and no need to build something what works? The builders probably worked byMicrosoft before!

February 19, 2012


Why doesnt tor still isnt capable to work with flash? It drives me crazy over here. People talk about Tor like its something great, but its just like Windows. It works just for 50%. Dont make programs if you cant make them complete! Just a waste of your and time! CRAP!!!

Hey Bud !!
Yup it works with flash , you just need to follow these steps ,
then once done restart you PC , then re-load TOR again !!

Copy the two files flashplayer.xpt and NPSWF32.dll.
If you are not sure where these files are , just do a basic search on c: drive for them !

paste them in these locations Tor Browser\FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\plugins and Tor Browser\FirefoxPortable\Data\plugins.

the firefox portable browser. left click on “Tor Enabled”->Preferences in the security setting uncheck the following.
disable plugins during Tor usage(crucial)
Isolate dynamic contents Tor state(crucial)
Hook dangerous Javascript(crucial)
resize window to the multiples of 50px during Tor usage.

Cheers !!

April 03, 2012


When using Tor, I find it that I can't post on pages for example, on Facebook. When viewing on Tor, it looks as though it posted, but when I view the same page without Tor, I don't see the post. The post count for the comment shows as though I never created a post. I've had the same problems on other sites, also.

Any idea why?