Vidalia 0.2.6 Released

by phobos | November 12, 2009

On November 2, we released Vidalia 0.2.6. Primarily a bugfix release for OS X issues. The changed items are:

  • Remove the erroneous comma in the default vidalia.conf in the
    Mac OS X drag-and-drop bundle, since we now dump whatever the
    user types into a QString rather than parsing it into a
  • Updated the Arabic, Russian and Slovenian translations.

Packages for OS X and Windows can be found at


Please note that the comment area below has been archived.

November 13, 2009


hello guys,

I use now for a time this version and i can only said that it work really great and can only recommend :)

Best regards


November 15, 2009




November 17, 2009

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


Tor's traffic looks like ssl, nothing more. All sorts of stuff runs on high ports, not just Tor. do you perhaps mean that is easy to fingerprint even inside ssl?

what are your solutions to these problems?

November 15, 2009




November 17, 2009

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)


The problem with a paid service of SUPER HYPER MEGA SPEED TOR is that you'd have to trust us with your information, not to divulge said info to law enforcement, and to secure the data against all possible attacks. And we'll have to create a way to uniquely identify you to make sure your a valid, paid user.

None of this is very anonymous.

December 18, 2009


I used an older version of Vidalia/Tor/Privoxy which worked great on my system. I use Firefox as a browser. Recently, I kept getting messages saying that my version of tor was no longer recommended. I came to the tor website to get the newer version and downloaded it. There was no way to install it. I also didn't like torbutton and somehow it really screwed up my system. My AOL browser was showing up with no images, just links and all kinds of stuff. I'm not really savvy (obviously) about all this and wonder why I can't just use my old Vidalia bundle and not have those annoying messages turn up. Can I get help with this please? I took the whole thing off my computer and now am not sure what to do. Thanks. Elena

April 27, 2011


I use Vidalia for OSX. Recently I updated it after repeated prompts to do so. It worked completely fine before that and now it has just stopped working and I have tried all sorts of settings but it's not working any more. I guess some library or other config files are missing, but they dont come on downloading again also. Please help asap!
Thanks. Swaraj